Sunday, June 12, 2016

Shiny Balls and a Famous Mailbox

Well I like to think the mailbox was famous.

A meet up with Gord after some weird back and forth texting where the ride was pushed back, cancelled, and then called on again. All thanks to the weather ruining Gord's day. Did I just say "ruining?" He got to go for a ride cause of this! He got to go for a ride with me! I'd say that is a pretty top notch day the boy had!

This was a wet weather ride as torrential downpours have been in the Edmonton area for the last few days. The ride started at the same spot where we met for melting snow Spring shitbike rides. Being a born and bred Edmontonian who lived nowhere else his whole life I still don't know streets or areas which is really sad. Hence the Strava map.

We eventually hit Terwillegars multi use and were out and on our way to the Fort Edmonton footbridge where a coffee break was had. We climbed up towards Ryan Smyth's house and I was smitten when we came across his mailbox. My Oiler pride had run over and had wanted nothing better to go straight to Calgary and beat the shit out of some Flames fans (sorry Calgary, it's just... I hate the Flames).

We got a bit lost in the neighbourhood of Wolf Willow but eventually found Patricia ravine and were on our way to shiny balls where the decision was made to keep going and climb out. Once out we were in suburbian hell for a bit trying to cling to some sort of trail.

A trip through the university farm and a trailhead had us intrigued. The wetness did make me want to stay away but we dipped our feet in anyways. No tracks were left so the douchebag level was quite low. Although some greasy slippage was had and immediately I got grumpy and wanted the fuck out.

This trail must be ridden again in good conditions. The potential was phenomenal.

The ride ended in suburbia. Not exactly appealing but when out with one of the lonebiker brethren. It was a good one.

some early ride stripping, gord had the look of a vancouver bike commuter
that right there, captain canada territory bitch!

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...