Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Beer Friday. Evil Twins, Wet Dream

It was a last second decision to do this. Mainly feeling the peer pressure from the Lonebiker faithful to post..... something. With today being my Saturday night scrounging for ideas I went to the fridge for a common beer and low and behold found this beauty sitting in there!

But who put that there?

A saint? A wizard? Who!

Oh yes, it was me a few moons ago working in the mod yard with anticipation of a day off. That never happened and this poor beer was dejected. Poor little guy! I can only imagine what went through his head all this time. The prospect of it getting picked up every time the fridge opened was probably enough to have this one in need of a beer therapist.

Well tonight.. I made his dream come true. I could almost hear the scream of joy as we pulled this one out of the fridge for tonight's impromptu photo shoot.

Oh the beer review team you ask? We are all good after last reviews debacle. Once the decision was made to review this one I rang the Lonebiker review team beer horn and they were here in under five minutes! Amazing!

Evil Twin was just on here with a beer that sadly went bad. You might remember their Justin Blaeber looked so awesome and we sadly had to pour it down the drain. I am pretty sure that was the cause of all the unrest in the Lonebiker beer community.

Based out of Brooklyn, New York, Evil Twin has quite the empire of craft beers. I hear the city of New York is growing and booming. You might want to keep an eye on that one and maybe go visit one day.

The pour gave us a... Well I'm sorry to keep going back to this but a dirty old man urine look. Usually when these happen I get excited (not because I like dirty old man urine) but because it means this one is gonna be a champ. A good two fingered head stoop atop with lacing that left itself on the side of the glass like a fine pair of women's underwear would look on a hotel room floor. Quite erotic.

The tasting commenced and I was awash with flavours of grapefruit, coffee (it is brewed with Kenyan coffee beans after all) and a dark chocolate malt. A definite good way to end a Tuesday after cleaning out the basement all day. Each sip was a delight, my mouth was awash with everything good under the beer God sun. Was that also a bit of toffee I detect?

Yes sir... Yes it was.

This beer gets 4 suds out of 5.

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