Friday, March 10, 2017

Beer Friday. Alley Kat, Aprikat

After a day of renovating a bathroom and no bike ride a fine beer from Edmonton's finest brewery is in tall order. Very tall order, I only have four days or so till I leave for up north so I need to get all the riding in that I can. When you have incredible in laws that want to help renovate you just can't say no can you?

As this beer review was written before I left, now that this is being posted my bathroom should be done. 'What is life like in the future?' I wonder as I write this. I should be well over a week in when this is posted with less than a week to go. Do I do another pre beer review in case I stay up for overtime? Or do I fill my two weeks of absence with three beer reviews and a bunch of video dumps?

Maybe I'll be too tired too want to post anything...

Hmmm.. So many questions.

Alley Kat has been on here a bunch of times. A local brew here in Edmonton that has become somewhat of a staple as Edmonton's beer. It's a shame it isn't served at Rogers Place, home of our beloved Oilers in fact I think I might start a petition to make it happen. Their Apricot beer might just be the ticket!

The pour gave a golden coloured ray of beauty that had a one fingered head that didn't want to stick around. Probably cause it felt awkward at all the people staring with contempt. Cause you know... Beer review.

The first sip definitely gave you the apricot which strikes down having this in a hockey rink. This is one you want sitting outside on a patio grilling some steak. With the apricot comes easy malts, grains and overall just a real nice one to drink. Dammit! I wish I had more! If you live in Alberta and haven't tried this yet well shame on you madam/sir! Shame!

This beer gets 4 suds out of 5

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