Friday, May 19, 2017

A Few More Kilometres

Like dipping into a fine slice of pie I dove into Edmonton's finest singletrack today and enjoyed every last morsel of awesome that it had to deliver. From Mill Creek's Velodrome to what I thought were new trails which ended up being a quick transition I didn't care. The ride started awesome much akin to the start of riding in the early nineties with Temple of The Dog on a discman and Mill Creek as a starting destination.

An exit from upper Mill Creeks singletrack and eventually in Birdhouse trail and into mid Ewok. In every trail ridden the flow was there which was a nice change from previous rides as of late although the lung capacity or legs didn't want me to carry me through.

Hence some good breaks that came with pep talks to myself to stay motivated were had. They worked but the energy was quickly going away. I rode through the great singletrack leading to Capilano bridge where I crossed and headed back to Dawson where I crossed again and rode the reverse mid Ewok.

One of the best rides of the year so far, nothing but trails for the most part (it is Edmonton.) Greenness and a feeling of electricity was in the air.

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...