Monday, July 3, 2017

Beer Friday. Phillips, Zoes Benefit Brew, Cascade Dark Ale

Greetings on my most favourite Beer Friday post of the shift rotation. The last night. Home in the morning which will be stellar, just like a Lonebiker beer review.

Phillips brewing from Victoria, British Columbia. A brewer that has been on here a few times and has always been up there in the ratings. This one is a bit more special than the rest as Phillips sponsored Zoes animal rescue society. A charity that helps animals primarily for first nations mostly in the Enoch region. The services include vets which will spay and neuter animals as well as giving them check ups helping instill a long life. Lonebiker brethren member Gord fosters dogs for SCARS, aka Second Chance Animal Rescue Society. So if you are a good person and want a dog that was well taken care of thanks to Gord and his family and other great people like them contact us here at the blog. Or much better yet, contact Scars. Or whom this beer is dedicated to. Zoes. 

Cause dogs are pretty awesome.

The pour gave us a smart dark looking sexy beast of a beer. A good two fingered head laid down on top like a sultry Playboy model from the seventies lying down on top of a vibrating heart shaped bed. Ohh la la! Am I right? The smell is of roasted caramel and crushed (not ground) coffee beans.

The first few sips were quite incredible and overcome with the spirit of helping dogs I ripped off my shirt and ran through the streets of Beaumont looking and yelling for animals to rescue. Sadly I only saw one rabbit whom I could not catch. After a few more sips things come back down to earth. The taste is of dark coffee beans with an old Rolo chocolate bar that was in the freezer. Pine needles seem to be in the mix as well.

A pretty good beer for an even better cause.

This beer gets 4 suds out of 5.

Squirrel Dodger, Ride Blocker

That's right, I saved the lives of two squirrels as I came around that sweet Fort Saskatchewan singletrack and on two separate corners t...