Friday, December 1, 2017

Days End Deprestion

A quick one mainly spent on the bike lanes that are taking furious angst in their rising in Edmonton. The Twitter Gods are not amused. Parked at Mill Creek (pour a bit for my homie) and forced on the roads cause of bridge reconstruction I eventually just stayed in the lanes. The entire 83rd ave bike lane was ridden up to where it comes to an abrupt end.... Well, I did miss the turn heading north so who knows how it turns out. I just find the bike lanes downtown seem to end quickly stranding some people who may be married to them.

Gawkers everywhere pointed at the fat bike making my grumpy nature even that more. I could have just waved but instead stared straight ahead I'm sure with the face of one who wants to murder.

After fighting through downtown I found the low level bridge where a crossing took place and I was soon in Mill Creek singletrack. Is it the Trap? I guess cause my Strava says so.

That was it for trails. A shorter one on shortened days off. That does it for quite a while. Sorry kids. Get ready for some videos and three Beer Fridays starting next Friday. I would give anything to be able to ride all weekend, trust me. 

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...