Monday, November 25, 2019

Strathcona County Toe Dipper

The shitbike makes it's rather unglorious return  after our winter came and went in the matter of a few weeks.

Ahhh.. Don't worry. Winter is just shy this year. I saw her hiding behind a ridge of sirrus clouds in the far northeast nervously smoking a cigarette as I pedalled my fine steed of a bike from the top of Forrest Heights and into the mighty splendour of the river valley.

It was an all paved ride as an eastward destination was planned with a look at a paved trail I've seen in the Science Park area.

Well... Not a lot happened on my ride to the Science Park. What exactly were you expecting anyways? I mean it's a non holiday Monday and the weather is cold so the river valley was a ghost town. Not even a critter was spotted. I did notice the few older people I did see were stopped and staring at dead vegetation. How nice.

As I rode out of the valley in the Science Park I couldn't help but smirk when I noticed old men sitting in their vehicles right on cue. All alone. No phone. No book. No tablet. Sitting and staring. I did want to stop like I always do and ask them what the hell they do down there. "Why, there's plenty of dead vegetation to stare at if you'd just get out of your damn vehicles!" I'd exclaim.

But I rode on...

I made it to the start of a paved trail that has intrigued me for some time now. It was built and maintained by Strathcona County and runs right through the refineries and into Sherwood Park. Maps at the start of the trailhead show this trail going close to Fort Saskatchewan. I'll be completely honest and will let you know I didn't bother taking a good look. Or taking a picture to post on here to help my story. This is why I'm not the number one bike beer blog in the Beau Meadow neighbourhood of the Beaumont region anymore.

I'll try and get better kids. Promise.

I rode the trail to Millenial Place. Sherwood Park's sports district. Hockey Dad's with Bauer pants with cool embroidered 'coach' hockey jackets and Escalades rule the roost. So be aware when riding through. I turned around after Millenial with intentions of coming back one day to explore. I am a bit concerned this trail goes deep into residential purgatory. If that happens I will be out faster than Jason Kenney at an environmental protest.

The return trip? Cold. Uneventful. If you plan on heading out be aware of ice on paths scattered throughout the valley.

the point of return, i vaped and dropped f-bombs to fit in, odd move cause there was nobody there

an exciting part of the trail, train tracks, that's about the best highlight, i thought i saw a dead mouse but it was dirt so tracks it is

some warmth for the return home

potty break ride kickstarter

Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..