Thursday, January 7, 2021

Best of 2020. Beer Friday

 A change up to the lists for Beer Friday. The four runners up below with the official... are you ready for this? Announcement of 'lonebiker beer of the Year 2020' where the beer of the year will be awarded with a trip to Beaumont and a one hundred dollar Lonebiker gift card. The winner will be announced tomorrow. In the meantime these are the four losers.. I mean runners up. 

 Sea Change Brewery. Death Wave   Runner up from Beaumont came close to taking home the title. A take on Mexican beer where Sea Change went over and above the Mexican beer style and created a delicious beer right here at homebase!

Steamworks Brewery.Pale Ale The second runner up from Steamworks Brewery from Vancouver with a strange write up about a Wisconsin woman and a Target? Yes, even I get confused as to what I meant sometimes. Delicious beer though!

Jasper Brewing. Crispy Tall bois Third runner up from my most favourite spot on earth. Jasper. Home of amazing riding and amazing everything else. I called this a common white man beer that Jasper Brewing knocked out of the park.

Lost Coast Brewing. Indica IPA  Fourth runner up is a great tasting IPA from Eureka, California. 

Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..