Friday, May 19, 2023

Beer Friday, Delerium Brewery, Tremens


On this, the second most tired of days we are bringing you a beer review after another day of slothfulness which featured a planned bike ride with sir Kent which was cancelled enemy behalf as I feel somewhat akin to death. 

Oh yes I do seem to over exaggerate the condition of coming off night shift but after five years of doing this shit that I would either stop bitching about nightshift or find a way to work around the fatigue but nope I didn't and here we are. 

This blonde Belgian strong ale is a medical term for the rapid onset of confusion usually caused by withdrawal from alcohol. A bloody brilliant name for an 8.5% brute of a strong beer that is brewed in Belgium, Delerium brewing was formed in nineteen ninety two and resides in Melle, Belgium. 

Yes I had been putting this beer off as it sat downstairs for some time as I thought it was coconut flavoured beer because ion the white bottle.Yes that is right, I am a little bit slow.

So finally after months and months this one gets a pour, lets go. 

This light blonde looking beer gave a two fingered head that seemed to want to linger. This was a wheat smelling beer with traces of banana and for some reason oatmeal cookie. It had a bit of an odd taste at first but grew on me, this is a dangerous beer with a high alcohol content that you do not notice. Those clever Belgiums… I tell ya. 

To round it out? Be careful and just have one, this is a finely crafted beer from Europe. A fine offering of yeasts and slight traces of corn was there in a very drinkable hard beer. 

This beer gets 3.5 suds out of 5. 

Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..