Saturday, October 7, 2023

Rename Fred John's Park to Rudy Giuliani's Love Palace

Well what a craptacular start to the best month of the year for bikes. I felt sick coming to an end at work and on this ride it caught up to me. The legs had nothing to give and I slumbered through Telfords Fall amazing views and rode across town and rode the other lake…

Do we call it a lake? More like a pond in that cool Leduc park (because it has an airplane) which is named after a twit politician. 

Hey I don't know that guy.. could he have been Rudy-G (circa late 2001) for his full tenure? 

What happened to that guy by the way? The fear of getting old as a male and aging and the potential creepy stories that can come out scare me as a now older white guy. 

But his were off the wall.. I mean come on dude. 

Im sorry… politicians bug me. Hero's flew those planes. Name this park after a Canadian fighter pilot. It is much more deserved. 

Yes a ride through the usual in Leduc. I felt quite gross from the start of some sort of new affliction to keep me from riding. I had nothing to give.

Might be slow on here for a little while. 


Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...