Saturday, November 11, 2023


Happy Remembrance Day and Veteran's Day for those out there. 

A rare almost mid work set day off was given on late notice and I am not going to lie. That news had me in an ecstatically good mood and I seized the day with a bike ride. The only problem is I was quite sore from work yesterday so I ruled out a mountain bike ride in favour of the gravel bike.

Only other problem is hills… I didn't want hills so it was Telford Lake in Leduc on an amazingly warm November day. The ride was amazing almost half way through a set of long twelve hour days and I had newfound energy from the joy I felt to be riding this bike this late in the year on a day I should have been paying off countless debt.

It was probably the top Leduc ride of the year, although there were a lot of them since the Octane One came into the picture, I think the circumstances made the feels on this one a lot better than most. It was a bit busy but I thought there would be more people out given it being a Saturday and a bat shit crazy November warm day. 

It was Telford and the loop around the cool plane park named after a dorky politician. My phone GPS crapped out on me again so in the end I was quite annoyed and shed a tear thinking of that poor Garmin lost in the bushes in Fort Saskatchewan.  

potty breaks on lonebiker will never die

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...