Sunday, April 14, 2024

First Dry Singletrack Day 2024

In a weird flex I took the Rocky Mountain bike out for the first singletrack excursion of the year. Yes the very same bike that I threw in the bushes and stopped mid ride to put it up for sale like a whiny baby online. 

I guess this was my way of saying sorry. With things a bit tight there is still no chance of bike upgrades this year so I decided why not? Let's see if it can still earn it's keep. For the most part it did and that fun feeling of floating over everything is quite cool. With all the technology since I got the Altitude I could not imagine how nice a new full suspension behemoth would feel. 


The bike handled handled ok from  Old Timer to Walterdale where I crossed and reversed direction I rode through the scene of the crime ride killer that happened and across the Capilano Bridge and back to Old Timers. I toyed with the idea of Mill creek ending things and I downvoted it and I don't know why. I was still real good energy wise.

The bike was fine other than skipping on any hard power climb which made me walk up most steeps which was super lame. Still though one of the better rides of the year so far. All the good stuff was ridden today and it was quite great. 

April 16th was always my official singletrack opening day since I was 17 and it stuck. We are not far off again and judging the trails today we could have been riding them possibly two or three days earlier than today.

The Moots has gotten me quite excited. Giddy up. 

Squirrel Dodger, Ride Blocker

That's right, I saved the lives of two squirrels as I came around that sweet Fort Saskatchewan singletrack and on two separate corners t...