Monday, July 1, 2024

Leduc Canada Day.. bitches

 After some serious heavy amounts of rain in Beaumont in the morning I knew I was now looking at a gravel bike ride which was completely fine. I ran out of time and chose Leduc cause it was close and quick so I can get one in to keep me satisfied. 

Oh my Lord. Leduc is my bike riding escort service. 

I guess that's all right as I have grown quite fond of Leduc from riding there so much. The inner core is golden kids. Even the people in the inner core seem genuine and it's not all redneck culture which one would think. The redneck culture belongs there with the oil history and they put on a pretty great rodeo. 

The retards in the lifted trucks? Ahh, whatcha gonna do? 

It was Telford lake (obviously) and I looped out through the campground to creep on the Canada Day crowds and found it half empty. I found the recreation centre in search of some sort of Canada day festivities and rode through a concert that finished long ago. 

It looked like some sort of car show being held at Leduc brewing which I guess is cool. No pics but believe me if I say it was there. 

It was a fine ride on kind of a shitty day with heavy winds. 

Happy Canada Day kids.  Cannot wait for the fireworks to wake me up later as I have to work tomorrow. 

Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..