Saturday, November 21, 2009

Riding. park-Ewok

Woke up this morning and looked outside , saw the snow falling and just about went back to bed . I can`t really be angry because it is November 21st and I`ve been riding mainly dry trails up until today . The only thing that angered me was I just got the Ibis fixed up thinking I could get a couple rides in on the carbon wonder .

not to shabby of a winter bike I must admit

So I blew the dust off the Stumpjumper and for the second week in a row I went to Strathcona science park . I was surprised that the world didn`t implode with me doing something different two weeks in a row. The first few kms were quite miserable for me as I did NOT like riding in the snow , it grew on me and I started to enjoy the ride . I even went on some of the good singletrack trails (which is something I don`t do in the winter) Everything was going swell and I was at one with the snow when I spun out on a normally fun technical climb . So I had a good spaz and destroyed eight to ten trees with one of the best tantrums seen this side of the Alberta hospital .

normally a great trail covered in dirty evil snow

After the spaz I entered the famed Ewok and had some good singletrack moments until again I spun out . .......................I kept my cool this time and walked up the hill with my tail between my legs . The ride home was good except for my feet freezing which ended up getting pretty bad by the time I crossed Ainsworth Dyer bridge . I hate when I`m riding and some sort of pain you have is all you can focus on .............Guess I should have worn my winter booties today .

white bike, white snow and ducks swimming
in a very dirty part of the river .(there are ducks
there , believe me)

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...