So I compiled a list of fun things to do when you are sick , although some may not apply to you so just shut the hell up and read the damn list already !
10 . study welding procedure manuals for work ...........ya number 10 sucks !
9. play madden . Why the hell not ! Although that gets boring after a little while
8. log on to mtbr head to the forums and post away . Some of these guys have over 10000 posts ! Holy shit ! They must be sick all the time .
7. learn how to properly spell testacles . Apparently my Mom thinks I mispelled that word in a previous post .............oh this is just awkward ! here it is > how bout that , I was wrong !
6. try to figure out how Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize . Seriously ? Can someone please explain this one to me !
5. write stupid stuff in your blog
4. look up bike stuff on the interweb (this ones a no brainer)
3. watch the collective videos , the best mountain bike films of all time
2. check out other peoples riding videos on youtube , this one is sweet !
1. sleep.........................although not very exciting , when your sick and this bored it`s a welcome relief from the monotony