Sunday, December 27, 2009

Riding.Millcreek-Dawson Park

Rode into the darkness today and it was a little depressing . Winter which has been here in all it`s cold anguishing glory for a little while now is starting to get me down . I miss my singletrack
pretty bad right now , and tonight I got to pass by all those trailheads while the snow noisely and unshamefully let me know it was under my tires . I seriously think it was laughing at me today .

on top of conners hill surrounded by snow, fog ,
cold wind , ice and no sign of great riding

Another gripe of mine with winter is the complete lack of awareness by everyone down in the valley at this time of year . I just about ran into two people today as I let them know I was coming but they didn`t know what to do . As I narrowly pass by them they seemed surprised that bikes run in the winter time as well . There are lot`s of bike tracks in the snow .

The temperature seemed to really drop once the sun was gone and I was submerged into a cold , dark wintery tomb . It was just me and my bike in the valley , I think even the animals were hiding . The funny thing is I usually like being all alone in the valley but not tonight .

one of the citys river valley rest stops , a great
place to stop and warm up , or smoke some crack ,
or bring a hooker , or smoke some crack with a
hooker , or hide out after you robbed a liquor store ,
or freshen up in the middle of a hike , or learn how to
play crib , or do some cocaine get really messed up
and try to swim across the river , or dump a body .
the last one actually happened here , and I`m sure I`m
not far off with the others

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...