Monday, February 1, 2010

Music Monday

I`m starting a new thing on here as Mondays are just plain lame (unless you get to go riding) . Introducing the first ever "Music Monday" (clever name huh ?) where I will post a video , song , or link to something musically related .

To kick it off , I give you one humdinger of a great song ! Temper Trap from Melbourne Australia who just released their first album "conditions" which features the single "sweet disposition"

This really is an amazing song . Grab hold of it and pray our generic radio boys over here in Edmonton don`t grab ahold of this one and beat it into overplayed submission !

Beer Friday. Aecht Schlenkerla Eiche

 Well here we are on another semi hardcore type of Winter day. It was cold and kind of snowy day and what did this piece of shit bike blogge...