Saturday, April 17, 2010

58 kilometers of pure Wickedness !

the last the new wheels would look brand new

It has been way too long since I rode this bike ! It was early October of last year in Fruita when I last rode this little black beast . After going through Fall , winter and most of spring riding hardtails I could not believe how this bike feels ! It`s new nickname is "the couch" , and I can say that with good reason . I forgot how smooth this bike is ! Large roots and rocks felt like they weren`t there and "the couch" rolled over them while I giggled like a schoolgirl........I mean boy , oops . The only thing this bike was missing today was a big screen t.v and a six pack of coors .

I was thinking about today all week and it finally came , the new wheels got to roll and the new brakes got to stop them ........It`s like a match made in heaven ! I took lot`s of pictures today so I`m not really going to talk much I think.

inside the home of the Ewoks

The route today was something I`ve been thinking about doing all winter . Strathcona Science Park to Terwilliger . I had planned on doing a couple detours on the way back like hitting Mill Creek and Mckinnon but coming back from Terwilliger I was low on fuel and I didn`t pack as much as I should of , I was cursing myself for not bringing energy gels and I have been wanting to try some sort of electrolyte replacement to see how that would work , but no . Not today ! Instead I had a pb&j sandwich and a couple protein bars .

one of many self timed shots coming this year

I do have to admit , this ride killed me . By the time I got back to the car I was actually glad to be off the bike ! I purposely rode the Mojo on the hardest trails (that I know of) to see how the new wheels would handle . Normally I take it a little easier on big rides so I won`t burn much energy.

this will probably end up in next years calender

About the wheels you ask ? So far so good , they will take a little time to break in . The noisy hubs that I9 are so famous for (all part of the excellent I9 engagement system) started to get loud and turned a few heads while I was in the more crowded areas , although I am getting quite used to that with the Moots . Personally I love the noise !

The brakes too will take some time to break in . They seem pretty good so far and it is especially nice to ride a bike that doesn`t have that annoying turkey wobble sound from the rotors that my old brakes had . The levers on the Hope brakes are really cool and there is alot of range to adjust them ..... I guess kinda like my old ones .

when riding an Ibis bike it is appropriate to wear Ibis socks

one of the features that make Firemans trail in Terwilliger so awesome .
this is so much fun to climb on the Mojo....aka "the couch"

one reason my wife is attracted to me !
I am one BAD ASS MOFO !!!!!

was I ever happy to see this bridge as I knew it would be
a little closer to my car (I was exhausted by this time)

by the end I was lost and delirious , here I am looking through
my wallet to find money to buy flowers for my wife .......what the hell ? the end , I didn`t .

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...