Saturday, April 24, 2010

Two rides , two bikes and some good old two-ten Ft. Saskatchewan cherry popping

It looks like my Saturday ride posts are going to be nothing but pictures . Today there are lot`s of me so I guess I must have a real big crush on myself (I am kinda cute) I mean look at the one up top . Now there is a man who looks like he could please a women (this is the real reason I removed "comments") . The truth is I was experimenting with shots coming towards the camera as most of the self pics are of me going away .

break time at the greatest spot ever

The ride today consisted of two rides . I had to make up for lost time from my pathetic week of not riding , the first part was in the Edmonton river valley on the Moots where I started in the usual Mill Creek , went up to Ewok , then back west to Kinsemen . I must tell you if you hate mountain bikers you would not have wanted to be down in the valley today . They were everywhere ! It was awesome to see so many people out riding .

if only these trail conditions could last all year

another one of the douche with the big ego

Ride two took place in a familiar little place known simply as the "Fort" . I took the couch bike to try to break in the new brakes a little more , the ride was nice and smooth (hey I was riding a couch) and other then one nasty little wipeout and some branches whipping me in the chest , I came away unscathed and more importantly so did the Mojo . It was pretty nice to be back on those trails ! I missed them .

riding the Moots doing battle with the Ewoks

leaving Mill Creek after the first ride

where is everybody ? Ya gotta love Fort Saskatchewan

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...