Sunday, June 13, 2010

Damn I miss those trails....

Last Sunday was my last ride and at the end I could barely breathe cause I was coughing so much . I was hoping to head out sometime this weekend but a bad stint on Friday night left me bewildered and wondering what the hell is wrong with me on Saturday .

One thing I keep thinking about is the mountains . There really is something truly magical about them , all those who have ridden in them and the lucky ones who ride in them all the time know what that magic is . Most of the great unforgettable moments are from riding those epic trails . There is nothing better when after suffering up a nasty climb , feeling like your lungs and legs are going to explode coming up to a view of a valley that looks like an Ansel Adams picture , and then riding some singletrack into that valley .

Minnewanka trail in Banff last Summer . I think I would rather
be here than in my den writing stuff on the internet right now

Of course I had time to watch the big game ....the recorded version late last night after the Beaumont fireworks . I had heard the what happened when out and about around town but just had to see it for myself . The announcer had mentioned that England`s world cup expectations were too high and I giggled . Where have I heard that before ? At least with the Seahawks there are no expectations other then expecting not to suck too bad .

England scored first within four minutes and it looked like there could be a rout , but by the fourtieth minute Robert Green let in a stinker of a goal by Clint Dempsey and it was tied at 1 and that`s how it ended . Next up Algeria . That should be easy right ? Ha !

I blame the big gay bulky gloves........

.........stupid gloves

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...