Monday, June 21, 2010

To hell with work .........It`s summer Solstice !

coming out of some tight singletrack into a fine view
Summer is here and I took the day off cause riding is much better than working , and it`s officially summer ! Every year I try to make it out for a big ride ever since that day years ago in Jasper when I had an epic day of riding and chasing bears on the first day of summer .......Yes , I really did chase a bear but obviously not for long as chasing bears can be hazardous for your health .
a small looking thunderstorm behind the bike
along the refinery to Strat Science, anyone got a chainsaw ?

The ride was pretty darn good aside from me not having my legs , and causing me to me to take more breaks than usual . I ended up going to Strat. Science Park and I then planned on heading to Hawerlak park then home. By the time I rode through Emily Murphy I was done . I sat under the Groat Road Bridge and contemplated life and wondered why I couldn`t make it to Hawerlak ........Oh how pathetic I am ! Oh well , it was still a darn good ride . Today`s ride featured two over the handlebar wipeouts , and a near miss with an oncoming rider who couldn`t speak ..... weird ! ( he must have been in awe of being in the presence of thelonebiker).

I do hope to do a Mill Creek-Science Park-Terwilliger (a full terwig)-then back to Mill Creek run sometime this year . That would be awesome !

some freeriding stuff that is sadly falling apart and I don`t know why !
I hope everyone has a great summer !

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...