Saturday, July 10, 2010

Coffee Saturday

On some of the hottest days of the year the decision was made to review some coffee ........Hot coffee I might add , and not ice cold soothing beer . Some might say this was a poor decision and I could not agree more . I have been tinkering with the idea of a coffee review and have finally brought the idea to fruition and everybody is excited over at lonebiker HQ over in Biloxi Mississippi .

Sun Burst coffee from Costa Rica comes form the highest regions in central Costa Rica . The high altitude produces "strictly hard bean varieties" regarded as the best variety of coffee form those snotty coffee drinking Europeans (they should know , shouldn`t they ?). I am drinking the light roast , Tarrazu coffee . Light roast Coffees typically have the most flavour as the longer roasted coffees flavours are typically "burnt away" therefore hiding any of the bad qualities the bean may have . Wow , don`t you feel smarter now ?

I am now onto my second cup of Tarrazu and have enjoyed it quite immensely . I always save the good stuff for the weekends and drink the shit during the work week making Saturday mornings all that much better ! It has great aroma when first opening the package , and the taste is very good with a mellow rich taste .......May I remind you I am an amateur beer/coffee reviewer ! This stuff is great ! Don`t just take my word on this , order some now !

I give this coffee 4.7 beans out of 5 ........Ha , how clever !

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...