Thursday, July 8, 2010

To hell with ride reports .....This is a work report !

Well , sadly it has come to this . On this the hottest day of the year so far . With my now extreme lack of bike riding heading into the glorious summer months I decided to suck it up and at least push out a work report .......

My Kickass 12 hour work day !

Wow , what a day I had . Who would have thought today could kick so much ass ! First I got there and realized we had no shackled cross pieces for the rig mats ......WHOAH !....... PANIC TIME ! After I got that settled it was time to cruise around the yard in the zoom boom and try to look busy ........Aw hell , let`s let the pictures do the talking shall we.........

                                         Start time 6 a.m , I`m pumped as always !
                                          6: 24 a.m "nap time"
                                         Oh look ! Journeymen welders building rig mats ! And their
                                         not grumpy .......Well , a little bit ....
                                          10: 42 a.m  "nap time"
                                          12:47 p.m Whoops ! Who the hell put that there ?
                                         2:30 p.m "nap time" hey it`s been a long day already !
                                          3:35 p.m. Time to hit on the secretary . I alway`s find showing
                                          of the "ink" and my sexy biker tan always gets girl going !
                                          4:30 p.m I`m usually getting off by now to head out for a ride or
                                         do something with my girls , but instead I`ll kick some ass with
                                         the zoom boom .......ya baby !
                                          5:45 p.m "where would I be right now if I went for a ride ?"  hmmm
                                          5:50. One final nap before the days end
                                         6:05 p.m The shop is secure . "Home time"

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...