Pro water slider Ken Lindsay after time trial training in Sylvan Lake |
LB- When did you realize you wanted to be a professional water slider ? I think at a very young age people saw I had potential . At the age of 4 I was already running the Howler at West Edmonton Mall , while my friends were still hanging out in the Dolphin kiddie pool . My Dad hooked me up with my coach Drew Stinson who still miraculously coaches me today .
LB- What brings somebody like you to Sylvan Lake ? Training . It never stops , with the tour coming to Wild Waters in North Edmonton next weekend I thought Sylvan would be great for training .
LB- What is your favorite stop on the tour ? I would say coming home is the best . Edmonton has always brought out great crowds , and when I`m standing up top to do my run it`s amazing how loud these people get when they have a hometown boy . I would have to say Wet and Wild in Greensboro North Carolina is a close second . They have some sick slides there !
LB- Have you ever waxed ? You seriously can`t be asking me that are you ? Waxer`s are cheaters period ! In 2008 when Tom Hardell flew off of Jumeirah Sceirah to his death in Dubai we all knew what he was doing . He was waxing ! did he deserve to die ? maybe ! All of us pros know you can`t go that fast on a water slide !
LB - Were sorry to offend you by asking you that , what other training do you do for the circuit ? Don`t be sorry . What happened in 08 was pure uglieness . As a pro water slider I hate to see stuff like that happen , all of us on the tour take this stuff serious . That`s why we had Wild Rapids in Sylvan closed today . For the safety of the public . The speeds we attain as pros on water slides can seriously injure somebody going to slow on a slide . If we waxed our back things would be alot worse ! As far as training , I just hit the water slides daily . I`m lucky enough to have my own park in my backyard to train in back home in L.A .
LB- What bugs you about pro water sliding ? Besides the waxers , I hate it when there are floaters in the splash pool . you know turds ! That`s disgusting ! I also don`t like used band aids on the change room floor . That shit`s disgusting .
LB- To finish , any advice for the kids who want to make it ? Just keep sliding ! Remember the basics , heels , ass , shoulder blades , and work from there .
LB- Thanks for the interview , and good luck at the worlds in Las Vegas . Will you repeat ? Oh you know I would love to repeat ! There is too much sliding talent out there now . See you at Wild Waters next weekend !