Saturday, August 14, 2010

Riding . Mill Creek - Hermitage (paved)

the flavor of the day
 First off , let me say . I WILL NEVER WEAR MY HOMER SIMPSON BOXER SHORTS ON A LONG BIKE RIDE AGAIN ! I`m sorry , didn`t mean to yell there . There were serious bunching issues , and fabric going where it wasn`t supposed to . In the end , not pleasant , and I will never do that again ! You would think after 19 years of riding bikes one would learn . Sadly not me !
the snacks came free today
 I stayed mostly on the paved trails after the monsoons that have been hitting our area as of late are sure to have messed up the trails . I am getting tired of having to thoroughly clean the bike after each ride . It was a great ride despite the complete lack of singletrack . It is amazing how much ground you can cover when your not on the dirty rooty good stuff . Can we say road bike again ? Hmmmmm....
folk fest dismantling , I missed riding by this year to the music , dang !
the start of Hermitage park dog trails .....STAY AWAY !

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...