Sunday, August 29, 2010


all is quiet on the Mill Creek trails .......

There`s something about Sundays that just says "relax" . It`s the day before the work week begins and everybody`s mind is telling them to slow down and take it easy . You can see it on the roads driving . People arn`t so rushed to get to where they are going , and they drive slower then the speed limit . My neighbours are alot more relaxed on Sundays . The mood in the river valley is always different . People are moving slower , walking their dogs with less of a rush . Everybody down in the valley seems a little more relaxed and cause of that .......A little more friendly . I always found that Sundays in the river valley were always quieter , probably cause everybody is taking it easy in their backyards or in their house on the couch chillaxing . looking back on this site I noticed there arn`t too many ride`s posted on a Sunday , and I know in the past I always took it easy on Sundays . The rides I did go on were always alot more toned down compared to Saturday riding . So if your like me and you don`t feel like doing much cause it`s Sunday . Don`t , we need to chill out and relax . It is Biblical isn`t it ?

Today it took me forever to get going after a trip to Fort Saskatchewan fell through with a friend . The call came at around 10 in the morning and I decided to go riding anyways . six and a half hours later I dragged my ass out of the house and drove  to Mill Creek , not Fort Saskatchewan (that`s just too damn far to drive on a Sunday). The mood in the valley today was typical of Sunday . The cooler temps kept people away as it made things better for guilt free napping in on a Sunday .  As far as my ride went , I like to think I rode pretty hard (why do I hear laughing ?) . I made it to the entrance to Mckinnon ravine . Stopped . Pondered life , and then turned around , after all . It`s Sunday isn`t it ?

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...