Saturday, October 23, 2010

Time to go riding

through magical Ewok .....

 After another delay in bike rides all thanks to vehicle shopping and getting others ready to sell "the dude" finally made it out on a cool , crisp fall day . From Mill Creek to the Forest Heights area and a little bit further the bike made me realize again how cool bikes are and how much cars suck . Although I do fancy the new ride , once out on singletrack on a nice hardtail you quickly realize life`s priorities .

trails are awesome

Once done with the singletrack I sneaked up the valley and ended up downtown to dodge buses and stupid dipshits who just about run me down in their Toyota FJ cruisers (ya you know who you are douchebag !) I`m sure he feels bad now .......Real bad ! Once downtown I got to see four cops run some guy down , tackle him , and throw some cuffs on the bad motherfu.......ooops ! My wife told me not to swear on here ! Just about let that one go too ! I`m sure the guy they arrested was the same one who just about hit me . Serves him right ! The stupid fuc.... Oh shit ! There I go again !

time for a break , and to pee off the bridge
a wide angle lens would be great for this now wouldn`t it ?

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...