Friday, October 22, 2010

Beer Friday . Dos Equis Amber

stay thirsty my friends

 All right , I am not going to subject myself to even trying to type the name of the brewery that Dos Equis started . So thank God for copy and paste >Cuauhtémoc-Moctezuma Brewery (spanish: Cervecería Cuauhtémoc-Moctezuma)...........Did you get that ? They are from Monterrey , Mexico . Land of many  many many Mexicans , and bad music . The brewery was founded in 1890 by Cornelius J Poindexter  ( I may have made that name up , but you will never know ) Today the brewery is run by the evil empire known as Heineken .

For most of us Dos Equis is better known for their commercials which features an older perverted looking man doing better things in life then you and I . Bet you he doesn`t ride a bike though ....What a chump !

As far as the review goes , you may have noticed this isn`t true "Dos Equis" , and there is an Amber label affixed to the bottle . This is Dos Equis junior . Dos Equis senior (aka the lager) comes in a green bottle and is the more popular brew .  Being the little brother growing up I somehow can relate . I didn`t pour this as I have mentioned before I like drinking beer from the bottle . The first taste went well and I was immediately hooked ....Sheeit ! this beer is good ! Then I had more sips ......then more and it became more and more average . It was still good but the original good first taste which should keep you going was nothing but a distant memory .

This beer gets 3.9 suds out of 5

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