Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Into the cool evening

Two rides in a row you say ? No way man , It`s January ! Well yes , it did happen . Do I have shift work to thank for this glorious achievement ? Yes , yes I do . The downside is I will have to work all weekend and that thought has got me down (don`t worry , I`ll be alright ! I know you care).

The ride tonight had it`s high`s and lows . The lows featuring an over the handlebars wipeout when the front tire sunk into some unpacked snow in front of a bunch of cars on Connors road . I`m sure they had a good laugh at my expense (don`t blame them really) . I bet they laughed and mocked me for riding a bike in the winter , but I think I had the last laugh after some of the views and experiences I had while riding ..... Ahh riding . Is there anything better ?

can you say "bumpy as shit "?
The highlight`s of this one was the picture up top of this post . The top of the climb onto Forest Heights , which I may add was one bastard of a climb with unstudded tires that had tested my patience , once at the top I was amazed how cool downtown looked in the dusk with the lighting and was glad I didn`t turn around . I didn`t have a tripod to get a proper picture so I set the point and shoot on a park bench and let it do it`s thing. I guess the other highlight was the first crossing of the revamped Dawson bridge . It was nice to see they made the railing taller so you don`t feel like you may fly into the river if you make a bad move . Nice on ya city of Edmonton ...
my first Dawson bridge crossing in a long time

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...