Thursday, March 10, 2011

All clear..

Just over a month ago I had posted a bummer of a post. You came on here expecting to see some bike content, or a beer review, and instead got some bummer news which may have thrown off your internet mojo for the morning....

We got the all clear from the Doctor today (which is what I was expecting). Meaning things will be much gooder (it`s a word, look it up). The dark cloud that was seemingly hanging around our house has left, and life will go on.

Things were not that far out of whack, with the exception of the first week of the rough news. I`m hoping to start riding the bike a bit more as it is March, albeit one of the worst months to ride a bike with all the melting snow. Hopefully the beer reviews will continue soon. When one in the family is faced with something quite grim, you tend to cut out some things in life, like beer...

mmmmm beer...

happy happy joy joy

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...