Friday, April 22, 2011

Another Good Friday ride

does this stuff ever remind me of my
brother. I last saw him alive 14 years
ago on Easter....

Tradition kept it`s place and I got to go for a good long ride on Good Friday again. This little tradition started three years ago and it seems like it may never die.

It is always a good time of year, for the most part the trails are usually just ready to go or Spring is busy doing it`s thing and the feeling in the air is always well...awesome. We have to go through some rough goings through the Winter months and the Springtime mood is a bit more special then other parts of the world.

Today`s ride took me out of the valley and I did some good old fashioned car dodging, and redneck trash suped up pickup truck dodging. In the end. I survived. A visit to our sad little downtown airport was almost depressing. I haven`t been there in a while. With one runway closed and signs of the whole thing coming to an end, there wasn`t much activity there. As kids, me and my brother were there lot`s with my Dad and the activity was great for a small family of aircraft nerds.

white plane, white bike

heading into downtown
first riding dirt pic of two eleven ( it was real short)

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...