Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Evening Mr Jelly legs..

a fine sample of today`s offerings
What should have been a night spent at home. Watching Survivor, eating Bonbon`s, and complaining about that new guy at work cause he think`s he is such a "smarty pants." Tonight`s ride was ravaged by a bad case of jelly legs, brought on by only God-knows.... Last Monday, McDonald's breakfast, greasy tacos helped power me to an after work ride of epic proportions. Today, thing`s were quite healthy in my pre ride work day eating, and I couldn`t find power to even climb up the Pyramid hill in the end on the way back to Mill Creek. I don`t get it! I really don`t get it at all...

Surprisingly I made it to the 20k mark after trying to jumpstart my legs on those pesky Forest Heights paved hill climbs, maybe it was the weather that screwed me up. Oh, here I go looking for excuses...

douchebags made their presence on upper Riverside
oh, dear! the boats missing...

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...