Friday, March 23, 2012

Beer Friday. Granville Island, English Pale Ale

 Another Friday is now close to being in the books and I am sitting here in awe of how fast time is going by. It seems like last weekend just ended and we are here again. Some would say that is awesome! The weekend is here again! But I would strongly argue against that notion. Would the week have gone slower if I had rode my bike like I actually planned this week? Who knows...

Granville Island Brewing which according to my records has never had a review on here... Wait a minute.... Is that true? Let me do some research. Here watch a video while I do some research... I'm back! Did you like the video? It's deep and chilling. Well according to my records I never did. It seems strangely familiar though.

This fine brewery makes its home in Vancouver. The home of fun, ill tempered, angry hockey hooligans was established in 1984, four years older than Emily Batty. My, my, I feel old sometimes...
Granville Island states on their website that they are Canada's first microbrewery! That's some pretty bold claims there Granville Island. I know your from Vancouver so you have that on all of us but Canada's first? Well, well, Wikipedia just confirmed that. I am now taken back by your awesomeness!

I cracked one open against my very own wishes and poured one in a glass. These are bottles people! You do not pour bottled beer into glasses! It should be illegal! An armed man in a suit should show up at your door when you pour a bottle and introduce you to a good old pistol whipping... Yes, I feel very strongly about this, in fact I may start my own foundation one day. The beer did pour quite nice though and a small one fingered head exhibited itself for a short time (just long enough for a picture). I was not too scared to taste this as I knew I would be happy. Ladies and gentlemen, I was happy with this one! Caramel, and a slight nutty taste came and danced in my mouth and made me dream of dancing sugar plops.... Wait a second! What the hell is a dancing sugar plop? All in all, after a couple, I was happy. It delivered albeit, a tad watered down. I was still happy this Friday night.

This beer gets 3.4 suds out of 5

wtf ?

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