Saturday, August 4, 2012

Riding. Fort Saskatchewan

 Could this one be themed "the long hiatus ride?" I  think it should. It's been three weeks since Gord has been on a bike, his last ride in Fort Saskatchewan? Last Fall. My last ride in Fort Saskatchewan? Gimme a second... This one! Back in May. Well that has been a long time for myself a self proclaimed Fort Saskatchewan trail "junkie."

So I was more than honoured to head down for Gord's first ride in a long time on my favourite local trail.

The ride of course went as planned. That being said when you are off the bike for a long time one doesn't plan accordingly because quite frankly, you are out of sync. A quick realization that his helmet and gloves were still sitting on a bench at his house made us wonder if we should go back. We didn't, and Gord rode helmetless like a champ. Or one of those guys you see not wearing a helmet on a sketchy trail causing you to think WTF? Nevertheless he came away unscathed. Being out of sync goes a long way. I know first hand, you have legs that don't work, lines are picked poorly and so on.

Gord didn't have that bad of a ride considering it was his first in a long time,  and I was more than happy to ride with him when he was in rough shape as normally he would drop me like I was a bad date. The evil spirit in me did relish pulling away from him knowing all to well if he was feeling like "Gord" it would be a different situation. The ride did come to an end after a bad tire burp and a bent presta valve prevented any sort of inflation. We limped home with thunder rolling strongly not too far away...

pick your lines properly... I didn't

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...