Sunday, February 23, 2014

Gold Medal Ride

It was a strange day today and I almost didn't make it out and it's all team Canada's fault. Although waking up at 5 am to watch hockey has to be the most Canadian thing to do ever. So in that respect I felt incredibly patriotic as I sat and watched Team Canada win Olympic Gold while I poured maple syrup on my pancakes. I could cry because that felt so awesome. The plan was to ride right after the game but I was toast. Do I blame last night's 8.5% beer (and maybe a few more) for ruining me? No, I'll keep using Team Canada as a scapegoat because I am a giant douchebag. When the game was over the day turned into couch/ television day and that is a very very bad thing.

Thankfully I finally got off my ass and did a short loop in a very bone chilling river valley this evening. This I think is officially the coldest ride this Winter season on a short ten km loop from the Queen to the High Level where a stop to warm up at the Kinsmen sports centre lobby was crucial. I am still chilled from the ride and hope to warm up by sometime mid week.

that pylon cost the tax payers $10,500

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...