Monday, August 7, 2017

Summer of Two-One-Six Repeat?

 A meet up with Gord on a very wet morning which eventually transitioned into an overcast and somewhat clear (at times) day.

The rain that did come down in the beginning was almost turn around and go home weather. From Gord's house we went West braving Edmonton's mean streets and sidewalks where the rain was now light. Down 34th avenue where every delectable smell Edmonton has to offer delighted our nose palate.

We hit the paved trails at the LRT by the former Heritage mall and after a much relieving potty break we were soon on Terwillegar's multi use and loving life.

It was pretty much paved with the shitty paved climbs that took us through the madness that was Heritage Days. I was reminded again as to why I am not a big festival partaker in the city of champions as I shuddered at the hordes of people fighting their way for a vehicle or bus outside the park where we rode hoping to avoid people.

Once out of the Hawerlak area, peace and solitude on River Valley road took us to the Low level where the rain was done.

The Science Park greeted us and we climbed out and rode 17th street back to home base.

A fairly uneventful long ass ride in the rain. This wet weather is starting to get to me.

*Gord Brenner. Credit pics from top to bottom, #3, #4, #6.

Lardass Rides On

It's been a bummer week with a sore back and I finally said screw it and took an unplanned impromptu ride around town after work.  The r...