Wednesday, May 26, 2021

No Explanation Needed. I'm Just Lazy

Once again I did not want anything to do with bikes today. A hole in the afternoon opened up so I decided to take it as I thought I would be angry at myself for the lack of rides. 

I should have just stayed home yet again but you know what? We get  Lonebiker content and I did get out of the house for a wee bit. I mean I don't think I was out longer than 45 minutes but getting out is getting out right?

The plan was to ride form the Science Park to the quarry making it a 'quarry ride' as all the cool guys in local bike clubs call it although I'm sure they have much better and longer routes. Once I arrived I knew I was hardly riding anywhere. And I hardly rode anywhere, but I did make it across the bridge. 

*high fives self, puts away bikes for another week, sniff... 


The Winds Blow in Alberta This Time of Year

Alberta is windy as fuck in April. yourself may have complained about the insane wind we have been having lately. I have spouted...