Saturday, November 20, 2021

A Big Fat Sigh

I really didn't want Winter this year, yet it showed up with a fury when I was working and I had no happy thoughts about fat biking through the snow for another umpteen months. It did take me a bit of time work up to a ride this set off. This set off started Thursday and when coming off days the energy levels are quite a bit higher. The motivation in breaking out the fat bike for the first ride of the season was nowhere to be found though.

It was Capilano to start and I ignored all the good stuff and started riding up the hill towards the Capilano bridge. I ignored the trails and took the paved loop around and soon crossed the river where I rode up Low Class and Higher Education where the loose sloppy snow threw me around like I was on some sort of strong narcotic. I could not stay on the trails one bit and it was more awkward than a white rapper with a speech impediment.

So it was off to the streets...

Bored and cold I had no destination in mind. It was only -10 and I couldn't help to dread the colder weather that will be here soon enough.Things got real depressing as I approached the Northlands gates and I though I had enough and was a about to turn back.

I pushed through and rode around the old Coliseum which is a very sketchy area now. I left and followed the LRT tracks and the ride became a bit enjoyable. The ridiculous tires ate everything up as I was riding through very loose ankle deep snow on the unplowed roads. Fat bikes are ridiculous.

The highlight was finding a park I have never been before and I would assume not a lot of people know about it. It is pretty much wide open valley views. There are trails leading down but I wussed out as they were steep. By request of the community I will keep the details to get there private with respect to the community. Cause you know... Lonebiker will have people there in droves. "Right interns," I turn my head and ask...


The ride ended uneventfully on Ada boulevard.. I kinda liked the fat bike in the end and I know it will be my main weapon against becoming a Swift basement trainer guy. 


Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...