Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Legless on the West Side

 Legless and listless on a Tuesday in Terwillegar. I had nothing to give and surprisingly made it farther than I thought once I knew I was in trouble which was almost immediate. Normally I can ride out of a slump which is what I tried to no avail. 

From the parking lot of the mighty Fort Edmonton I made it as far as the entrance to Daves Trail? Is that the one? From there I turned back

Trail conditions are quite good right now other than the shitty dead blind summer sight lines.

The Flat Petes were a perfect order today as they usually require minimal effort. I mean that as there is no climbing whatsoever and with the twists and turns its hard to go fast. No I am not bragging about how hard as fuck I think I am. I was genuinely happy there were no hills and when faced with hills as I got into Terwillegar I turned back. That doesn't sound very hard as fuck now does it. 

I was fat, lethargic and lazy and blame this on summer but was it this? <link.


Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...