Saturday, April 8, 2023

The Drop Bar Years Begin

After about thirty kilometres yesterday on an out of shape torso and legs I did about the same today in Fort Saskatchewan and enjoyed every moment quite favourably. 

The bike so far? 

Zero regrets about getting this Octane One. The overall look and feel of the bike have grown on me in a big way since I first took it home, is it because the way it rides? The way the bike propels you forward with each pedal stroke and seems to be running on a track is a damn cool feeling. The Moots does the same thing and is a much higher end bike than the Octane One making me wonder if that is more of a road bike type of trait. 

They'd say this its a gravel bike made for mountain bikers and the geometry is tight and aggressive yet I know this bike will potentially be behind some high mile rides this summer so it can be ridden all day. On the two rides so far this bike has honestly been fun as hell to ride. The drop bar is something I am falling for in a big way and the out of the saddle springing feels so natural now. 

The brakes would be my only worry. Had Hayes on the shit bike and they were not the greatest. They have been fine so far but I am only about 60 km in on these. 

The ride from the boat launch through turner park and into the gross but oddly enticing industrial area where crazy gases and fertilizer amongst other super healthy things are produced. I was on this road last year on the Moots and it was quite memorable. Instead of taking the long road eastward I hooked back and pulled into the backside entrance of town. 

A trip to the women's prison was had and I took the back side of Fort Saskatchewan through gross newer neighbourhoods surround by Wal Marts, pot stores and banks. It was gross but I had a pretty sweet bike to ride. 

I got lost a few times in the neighbourhoods trying to find the river and sadly had to resort too looking at the map on my phone to see where I was. So maybe I don't deserve this new bike? 

Well screw you cause I'm going to keep it. 

Second best ride of the year after yesterday? Oh hell yes!

Lardass Rides On

It's been a bummer week with a sore back and I finally said screw it and took an unplanned impromptu ride around town after work.  The r...