Saturday, October 7, 2023

Rename Fred John's Park to Rudy Giuliani's Love Palace

Well what a craptacular start to the best month of the year for bikes. I felt sick coming to an end at work and on this ride it caught up to me. The legs had nothing to give and I slumbered through Telfords Fall amazing views and rode across town and rode the other lake…

Do we call it a lake? More like a pond in that cool Leduc park (because it has an airplane) which is named after a twit politician. 

Hey I don't know that guy.. could he have been Rudy-G (circa late 2001) for his full tenure? 

What happened to that guy by the way? The fear of getting old as a male and aging and the potential creepy stories that can come out scare me as a now older white guy. 

But his were off the wall.. I mean come on dude. 

Im sorry… politicians bug me. Hero's flew those planes. Name this park after a Canadian fighter pilot. It is much more deserved. 

Yes a ride through the usual in Leduc. I felt quite gross from the start of some sort of new affliction to keep me from riding. I had nothing to give.

Might be slow on here for a little while. 


Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..