Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Annual Wet Pilgrimage to Sturgeon

A delightful ride on a very typical May long weekend Sunday. Why does this happen every single May long weekend? The rain is good though as the fire threat has been kinda rough lately so like a good Albertan I didn't complain and grabbed the gravel bike and departed for St Albert.

I parked at Riel Recreation centre as per the usual and took off towards Lois Hole provincial park and it seemed quite nice. I wasn't quite ready for this as you could possibly explore on grass like trails around the lake or lakes? I'm sorry I know nothing about this park and if I was a good writer I would have looked at a map or something. It had a long boardwalk over the inner shore that looked pretty cool. 

*edit, looks like it's got two lakes and several ponds and other wetland accompaniment 

I pondered the grass trails and turned around. I mean I was on the perfect bike for this but my legs were quite tired from yesterday. So it was through the centre of town alongside the mighty Sturgeon.... I don't know if I would call it mighty. I mean next to the North Saskatchewan this is kind of a little bitch river but still its a river and it has pride and the great residents of St Albert have pride in that little bitch river so Godspeed oh great Sturgeon river. Godspeed. 

Nothing new from any other ride there, some baseball games provided some traffic and a roided up weird guy kept staring me down as I was stopped waiting for him to cross the river as those bridges are so skinny. He kept looking back at me and was eventually yelling things. I looked at my phone to ignore him and couldn't make out what he was saying. I stayed away from the weirdo and didn't cross and was on my way. 

I did find a cool little ravine path which extends out from the Sturgeon in between the baseball diamonds and the main street. St Albert trail I believe? I rode along it and admired how tiny it was yet so nice. I envied the people who had their backyards have this cool little ravine behind it.  We calling this Braeside ravine? Kids were out playing behind their houses in the ravine even on this rainy droopy day because being in the woods rules and kids still get it. I called it 'woods' but it is surrounded by houses and humanity. St Albert just does a great job with their parks thats why. 

St Albert is a delight and is worth heading out just to walk around. They got it going on baby. Pay a visit would ya. 

Lardass Rides On

It's been a bummer week with a sore back and I finally said screw it and took an unplanned impromptu ride around town after work.  The r...