Saturday, June 22, 2024

Beer Friday.Dandy Brewing & Blindman Brewing, Together IPA

 A rough end to the week as some sort of stomach bug hit me and I have been down and out for the last three days. Thank goodness we have a collaboration from Dandy Brewing and Blindman Brewing to help soothe things over and what better to soothe an upset stomach than an IPA!


Dandy Brewing from Calgary and Blindman Brewing here in Edmonton collaborated and made this India Pale Ale with two of the cutest characters that have ever been on a beer can. I can't seem to find much of a reason for the collaboration  but did find out the two breweries are now one. I think this news just happened but I am really not sure. These guys seemed to be tight for a long time.

The beer pourers are ready so let's get down there! It poured a nice dirty murky like golden beer. Murky waves layered themselves going up the glass. It looked damn sexy under that non menacing head that was about five toonies tall. It had a somewhat sour like smell to it with some decent hops making me think of wheat fields full of sour gummy bears. 

It went down quite nice. It had a grapefruit undertone with light fruit sprinkled with light sourness. It was quite nice and had an earthy type of feel to it that made things allll right. Seriously kids this one is pretty decent. If you find a four pack of these then have at er!

This beer gets 4 suds out of 5. 

Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..