Saturday, October 10, 2009

The hero returns Glenwood , Vail

Brian slogging it up in Glenwood

when in Vail show the horns

mojo and Vail
On the afternoon of October the 5th 2009 our great Canadian mountainbike hero stepped off the plane hugged his wife and kids stepped outside in the cold frigid canadian air and wimpered .....................I wanna go back ! ....................Seriously ? what happened ?
The first of a few emails of riding the American Rockies takes place in a little town called Vail . I quickly found out that skiing here rules and just about nothing else (except expensive christmas lights). From our hotel door we ascended a dirt road on the ski hill with high hopes (literally)............................vail is 7800 ft , what were you thinking ? I climbed and climbed with hopes of riding my first epic stretch of Colorado singletrack and sadly found very little . The next day after my first moots sighting we stumbled into Glenwood and ran into a guy who was eager to take us riding .............. So we went . We started climbing another dirt road and I was starting to think that Colorado might be a little lame . we climbed ...........and climbed ...................and climbed . Each corner brought more dirt road climbing and I was starting to have my doubts about good riding . 6 miles later we crested the top and were ready to go down , but how ? .............................Singletrack my friends , glorious glorious singletrack . The mojo came to life as the trees whizzed by us like we were in a star wars movie , tight flowy singletrack through pine trees with off camber turns that made me glad I spent the dough I was critized for spending on " just a bicycle " . It was an amazing ride back to town until I rolled the tire off my rim . After a little repair I hopped back on and met the guys at the bottom of the mountain .
After the ride Burritos were on order and me and Brian giggled like hockey Dads in Tim Hortons heaven .

Squirrel Dodger, Ride Blocker

That's right, I saved the lives of two squirrels as I came around that sweet Fort Saskatchewan singletrack and on two separate corners t...