Wednesday, November 25, 2009

riding . millcreek-UofA

me and the ice did not get along tonight

First ride with the upgraded light system and I am quite happy . Although the hikers and dog walkers coming toward me had to turn and look the other way with their arms up to hide the light , a few even commented on how bright I was(Ha ........don`t get that very often)

The two notable things that happened tonight was the coyote that hung out with me for about 150 yards until I think he realized he was close to a human and took off in the bush . That was pretty cool ! The other "notable thing" was a hard wipeout on ice .................those suck , I still feel pain in my right arm . I do believe anyone who rides in the winter are not a true "winter biker" until they crash hard on an icy corner . It happens way too fast too even think and the pain hits you hard and fast .

Enough about that . Happy Thanksgiving to all you Americans tomorrow . I hope you think of me while your watching football and I`m at work .....................jerks

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...