Saturday, March 6, 2010

Trying to embrace the night

With spring rapidly approaching I decided to head out in the dusk to ride into the night as night rides are quickly disappearing unless I wanted to stay up pretty late . I also love coming home in the dark , there`s just something special about it .

a damn fine time to go for a bike ride I`d say

I parked at my usual spot in Millcreek and started the journey into the valley . I had planned on riding into the Strathcona park area (not science park) but within a half hour into the ride my feet were soaked and I knew I wouldn`t make it that far . Reading the paper this morning they said rangers are not recommending hanging out in Mill Creek so I dropped down into the Creek area and saw the usual flooding that occurs this time of year and they were right . Be careful out there kids !

what once was a trail is now a lake

I packed the nice camera for tonight and parked the Stumpy everywhere and took lot`s of pictures , it gets frustrating with the camera sometimes as my amateur camera skills are in serious need of a course . By night`s end , I ended up with some o.k pictures .

and the city shuts down for another night

Getting home tonight was tough as my feet started to get real cold from being wet , I made it as far as Wayne Gretzky bridge took some pictures than started for home . I`m hoping I will get a few night rides in before the sun stays up too late . Tonight was good .......Real good !

Wayne Gretzky bridge

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...