Saturday, December 18, 2010

Two down , Eight to go

an Edmonton winter wonderland

I had said in an earlier post that I`d like to get a minimum of ten rides in on December . It is now the eighteenth of December and I am now at two . Sickness and kids Christmas concerts wreaked havoc on my fun December plans (no , I`m not saying kids concerts are not fun) . I am going to have to get my ass in gear to hit ten and with time off coming up for Christmas it should be feasible ..... Should be .

The planning for today`s ride was not the greatest . Start in Capilano , ride to Edmonton Queen , cross the bridge and come back on the north side . Not a bad idea for a quick one in the summer months, but in December with lots of fresh snow on the ground and lots of unpaved sections it was a bit rough to say the least. I think even on a Pugsly it would have been rough as all the snow covered the old foot traffic and made the unseen ruts very challenging at times to ride in .

All in all it was a great ride , probably cause I haven`t been on a bike for a while . The freedom and rush of being on a bike can never be duplicated ..... That was until I got to unplowed car happy Ada boulevard .

it`s reopening on Monday boys and girls !
happiness was when this ended

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...