Friday, May 20, 2011

Destination: Breathless...not quite

it`s hard to believe your in the middle of Edmonton sometimes

on my journey I picked up a shrubbery
On my booked day off as news of the world coming to an end I got my first big one in of the year.

I had originally wanted to head to my beloved Jasper, but with news of grizzly bears down low and not finding anyone to ride with. I played it smart and stayed home. I don`t want judgement day to happen for me a day early. I`m sure I would have been fine in the mountains as I`ve done solo rides there many times. Hmmmm, maybe I should have gone!

Oh well, the ride today proved to be pretty good despite not reaching my intended target. Breathless trail on the north side of the Henday bridge. I had ridden there with a couple guys last November and was quite smitten with the trail. Good trails are much like a great girl you meet for the first time, you ride them for the first time....oh shit! This is not looking good right now! I`m talking about the trails you perverts! Anyway`s, you ride the trails for the first time and you cannot stop thinking about it. I unfortunately rode it in mid November and it snowed pretty much the next day, so I had all winter to lust over my new found trail. Every time I crossed the Henday bridge I thought about it and couldn`t wait to ride it this year.... Well, I guess I`ll have to wait a little bit as I tried taking a different route and ended up getting lost on a golf course. After that debacle I had to reroute through Terwilliger and by the condition of my legs I knew it wasn`t happening.

The ride ended right on the 50 km mark and I felt like it was about 87. It seems like anything I planned to do this weekend so far has been altered. Oh well, guess we have the rapture to look forward to tomorrow. That should be lot`s of fun...

golf anyone? no thanks

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...