Monday, June 20, 2011

Oh Fook Me! My trails are flooded!

soon after the drop in 

so much for riverside trail riding

 After being in the valley on a ride on Saturday evening I decided to take the family on Sunday and show them the fury that is the North Saskatchewan. Seeing that the river was higher then it was on Saturday I called my boss sobbing on the phone, telling him I cannot work when my trails may be in jeopardy! "Keep this shit up and you will be easily replaced" he said (I know jokingly, he can be such a kidder sometimes.)

I had to get to Fort Saskatchewan to have a look. My brave wife accompanied me on a hike through my beloved Fort Saskatchewan. I knew what to expect as I have seen this around 5 years ago. The problem with Fort Saskatchewan is it`s low, thus when the water rises we have to sit and wait. When this happened in 2007 (I believe) it took out some sections of singletrack. Only to be replaced by pure riding awesomeness! Sadly, I know that will be gone now as well. The guys who maintain the trails may have their work cut out for them. So if any of them read this please shoot me an email as I would like to help out in any way I can. Email address is in my profile.

the boat launch...Crazieness
the former rebuilt area... now probably gone

once home I decided to head out for a bike ride in the Edmonton valley.
armed with the proper emergency riding gear. I was ready...
it was flooded here already, or so it looks. on the way into forest heights

The ride in Edmonton was kind of a relief. From what I saw it looked like the water is receding. I hit a few lower spots to find them flooded but a few short feet above them there was evidence that water was there. The heavy North Saskatchewan river sand that makes the water so murky was all over the trail. Hopefully I`m right, it did seem to be lower though as the Edmonton Queen moorings were not visible on Sunday and I saw them on today`s ride.

So it may be a little while till things are back to normal, so if I can make a special request. No more rain. Please...

local news twits at the queen
the water level table under Dawson bridge
lower Ewok underwater

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...