Saturday, June 18, 2011

The rising river

the ramp in the river eventually broke free and ran into the dock...aaargh! why did I not get a picture?
Escaping from the house after hosting my younger daughters birthday party, I just wanted to go for a bike ride, but instead spent a good part of my time watching the river. She`s up, and flowing quite fast. The Edmonton Queen is currently moored just behind the dock safe (so it seems) from the high, fast flowing, Saskatchewan river. I stood and watched large trees float down the middle of the river, a little bit in awe of the power that was just a few short steps from me.
trees floating down the river, smashing into bridges
After watching part of the dock system break free at the Edmonton Queen, I rode to Kinsmen, up the paved hill and down by high level and then through the multi use to Emily Murphy which was closed. Once on the closed trail I quickly learned why the city shut it down. It was eerie as you rode and looked to the right and the water was pretty much right next to you when you know it shouldn`t be. I took every precaution possible as I am a bit reluctant to venture near rivers as I alway`s think of my long lost brother.

So please! Take heed if you go down there. Treat the river with respect. With more rain happening right now it will only get worse. It won`t be long till the local media send warnings out (if they aren`t already).

this means venture no more. I ventured...
to find the trail flooded. the picture does not show it but it is flowing good through here and rising
After watching the river I took the high road and crossed the bridge and took the same route I rode on Thursday night. Only this time I ended up doing some car truck dodging and rode back via whyte ave.

sadness is...knowing you missed a bunch of girls run by in their underwear
even my little creek has some fury

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...